Sunday, December 11, 2011

Developing Talents this Month with the Golden Tarot

I grabbed my Golden Tarot and threw a large spread-
a set of 4 triplets outlining how I'm going to use or develop my skills this month.

The Golden is a beautiful set, as really anyone that has it will tell you.  Have only used it in spurts but it's really been calling to me.

Queen of Swords + The Moon + 3 of Wands

{This Queen has been coming up a lot for me and I see her as the serious business side.

I have time now to learn and produce- knitted more hours this past week than I don't remember when.
So- promotion, bookkeeping (a survey was emailed to me for my interest in a course learning such things.  I'll probably take that up!), ORGANIZATION.

{The Moon- equate this with Moonthrall, especially when reading for myself.  Also, inward, close to home.

I ordered more bubble mailers to ship knit items in.  Buying 2 or 6 at a time isn't cost effective or practical.

Have more items ready to relist after they sell.  I have 3 sets of handwarmers to make again because I don't usually have backups.  Not complaining but some more organization (have *all* my patterns typed up and filed would help).

And yarn sorted and boxed.  They're boxed.  Well, in boxes.

{The 3 shows keeping an eye out.  For jobs and other opportunities.

Maybe I'll get past the 3 of Wands to a 4 or 6 later this month.

Knight of Coins + Page of Cups + 2 of Wands

{I do not believe the Knight is myself- it feels separate from me altogether.  He's either an actual guy (this feels the strongest to me) or progress of the Page.  Acquiring monetary opportunities or learning skills to bring those in.

Pulled the 6 and Ace of Cups to clarify.
If you're familiar with tarot, there is support and love all over these.

The 6 shows two children in a garden, surrounded by trees and flowers.  They are sharing cups filled with them.  Being taken care of, enjoying friend- and partnership (likely new because of the Ace).  I've pulled many hints at this myself and have been told by others, of support coming my way.

{There is another nod to support from the Page of Cups, which takes on a monetary or business feel from the Knight.

I do not believe the Knight is myself- it feels separate from me altogether.  He's either an actual guy (this feels the strongest to me) or progress of the Page.  Acquiring monetary opportunities or learning skills to bring those in.

{2 of Wands- yet another card I feel to mean there are 2 people here.  A working partnership.

Not just standing there going "well I'm all packed and ready to go whenever this Knight gets here."  No- there is definite readiness and movement.

9 of Coins + 3 of Coins + King of Cups

{Enjoying my craft.  Being supported with wealth.

{Skills for hire.

I'm getting the distinct feeling of being somewhere, enjoying something that interests me (either personally like knitting and crystals, or professionally.  Like knitting   Not crystals.  Yet.)  And attracting someone with a passing interest in whatever it is.

{And this Mystery Dude that keeps coming up with all the other cups and 2s.

We'll see.

The Fool + 5 of Swords + The Star

These bottom 3 cards are meant as a broader "timeline".

{The Fool has been popping up everywhere- in my own readings and those others have done for me recently.  The job thing is the only issue that stands out here, but it did bring some freedom.

{Then there is my reaction (after about 4 days) in the 5 of Swords.

Ever watch "Poltergeist"?  Remember when everyone thought the "house was clean" but it wasn't?

 The little girl is in her bed staring at the crazy stuff trying to break through their closet door and quietly says "No more."

That's how I kinda felt trawling through the craigslist ads again.
Though this one did catch my interest:

{Then you have The Star.  It's like an Awesome sandwich with my big slab of worry and defeat in the middle.

Perks me up a bit.

You can find more about the Golden Tarot and its creator, Kat Black.

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