Customer Testimonials

The best thing about reading cards is helping people.  When they contact you after their reading- they connected to what you saw, received hope and direction and have a heads up for people and happenings they wouldn't otherwise know about.
It's my pleasure to receive feedback like this and I'd like to share some with you here.

"When I first received my reading, it made no sense at all. But my previous readings were 100% accurate so I decided to wait a few days. Sure enough not one week later my reading made perfect sense. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"My bf was actually looking to move to a new apartment, if we get the place we will move next month! Thank you for the reading! :D"

"I have been a client for years and I will keep coming back for as long as her shop is open. :)"

"The romance reading for me was so right-on! My situation was thoroughly and accurately assessed and it's bringing me much clarification and insight. Thank you! :-)"

"Thank you so much for this reading. It illuminated some important things for me. I will absolutely return."

"The romance reading for me was so right-on! My situation was thoroughly and accurately assessed and it's bringing me much clarification and insight. Thank you! :-)" 

"I'm a returning customer and Svet surely doesn't disappoint. Truly gave me a completely different perspective on my situation than anticipated--and a different way to think about things. Thanks!"

"Svet ROCKS! Her reading was not only accurate, but delivered with kindness and a wry sense of humor. She not only tapped into our personalities, but our relationship from my perspective and his... I'm excited to see her predictions manifest in my life. Thank you!" 

"Repeat client here! Thanks for the heads up and the input! Gave me a lot to think about. Will be back again. :)" 

"amazingly insightful again-you are so dead on int hese readings, i will definitely be back for another:) thanks so much!"

"I have been buying tarot card readings from Moonthrall every 3 to 4 months over this past year and it's been one of the most valuable investments I've made for my personal on-going care. I really can't recommend these reading enough. If you see value in using divination as a format for self-reflection and modification of your current tragectory this is the reader for you." 

"Amazing and accurate reading! It resonated with me and it was spot-on. Thank you for the insight, perspective, and positivity!"

"Thanks for an honest and insightful reading! I'll definitely be back again ~<3"

"This was really interesting Svet, and accurate! Thank you for the reading"

"Svetlana you made my day! Your reading was just what I needed to make me feel so much better about my situation. Thank you so much for your compassion and for giving me such a fresh perspective! Thank you!"

"This was an insightful reading for a question that many would have viewed as difficult. Thank you so much for your time and energy!"

"Svet's reading was very helpful to me in making a decision about my career. It very accurately predicted the best outcome for me. Even though I tried other options to be sure, the end result was that I found the options she told me were the best fit for me were in fact my best ones. I was very impressed with the accuracy of the reading. It was truly very well done."

Babs, Canada

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