Book a Tarot Reading!

Want to know how I read?  Start here.

Read my code of ethics here.

It informs clients of their reading philosophy and policies.
And it's a good jumping off point for us to think about what kind of readers we are.

Still not sure?
Besides a money-back guarantee I'm pleased to have gobs of great client feedback.  This is over years of reading professionally online through many wonderful venues.

Or book a reading below!

  • Purchase your favorite reading with Paypal.  
  • Email me at with your information.  The subject can be something like "(your name's) tarot reading" so it's clear that you're a client! Include your name and question (if any).  
  • Your reading will arrive within 4 days.  

If your information is unclear or I'm unable to read within that time, of course I'll let you know asap!

**13 Card Celtic Cross**

*general overview of specific situation or broader place in life
*covers a larger time frame, sometimes a year or more
*can bring up people involved with you
*can give you a heads up on happenings still to come

Every reader has their own version of the CC.
The spread I use is inspired by Tarot: Theory and Practice by Ly de Angeles.  It's the 10 card layout paired with a 3 card "key"- illuminating part of the reading or providing a little extra something about what you need to know.



**3 Card Mini Reading**

*quick outlook of your week or month
*outcome of a path or event
*a question you need wider perspective on



**4 Card Love Reading**

*for budding relationships and those in full bloom
*looks at both partners' stances toward the relationship and where it may be heading

 I will need both people's names for this one!



Every reading includes:

*a clear rundown of the spread and cards pulled

I describe the card in a few words, then let loose and intuitively tell you what it's saying to "you".

*a jpg image of your cards attached

*you have the opportunity to ask about parts that are unclear

Please take about 3 days to mull over your reading- they are not always immediately clear!  If after 2 weeks it's still completely inaccurate, contact me for a refund.

Legal Song & Dance

Insight gained from a tarot reading, or anything for that matter, should be paired with your own wisdom.
I can say that less than 1% of people didn't love their reading- because I've only refunded 2x and one client came back a year after.  So yep, 1 person.  
Only you are responsible for actions and outcomes.  Medical and financial concerns, etc, should be taken to an expert in those fields.  Please be over 18.  Thank you.

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