Monday, March 2, 2009

Daily Throw: Empress + 2 of Pentacles

So I pulled these two cards for today.
And I pulled the exact same two last night when wanting to know about today.
Could they be telling me something?

This lady has been showing up a lot lately. I've never considered myself the "Empress" type- maternal, serene, wise- but the only thing I can really pin this to is wanting to read for others. Not just for other Tarot readers and enthusiasts- Others.
To help them, give them something to think about when they keep banging their heads against the same wall.
And the orb she's holding looks like the lollipop I'm having right now.
It's a big lollipop. Root beer, too!



This guy would be my hesitation about charging for readings. Two pentacles- combining help with compensation. He balances the two and as they're connected in the infinity symbol. The two can go hand in hand. I may feel shaky at first but it's an offer I'm really considering.
Where to start, where to start?

If certain cards keep popping up for you, too, share them here.


Anonymous said...

It's funny you should mention getting the same cards two days in a row. That just happened to me! In thinking about how to proceed with a tarot business that I'm starting, I got The Chariot, the 5 of cups, and the Knight of Swords two times in a row on different days... coincidence? I think not!

Unknown said...

Hey Cathy-
I've been pulling certain cards that never show up for me- and like you, some of them are sword courts.
Much success to you.

Waking Dream (NYC) Productions said...

Holy shit I pull knight of swords all the time! as well as 2 of pentacles. I also pull a lot of 5's. mostly wands and swords. Sometimes cups! Overall a lot of five! Call me unlucky I guess! :)

Unknown said...

You've got a lot going on haha! Very dynamic cards.

Also of interest...
