Saturday, November 23, 2013

Friday Night Prosperity

I do a little something each Friday after work for prosperity.  It's usually a small candle ritual, prosperity and inspiration incense, being thankful for enjoying the week.  When I remember, I dump out the purse and wallet, collect coins and pile up leftover cash.

 This is brief- I do not go into detail but share a few easy things that I like doing and find to work.

Build a Prosperity Bottle

For general financial wellbeing or focus on your business(es).

*plate or dish
The dollar store sells mirrors and glass plates for candles.  Garden shops have terra cotta bottoms for pots- these also make good incense burners if you add sand.

*wealth or attraction incense
For stability or guidance, especially if you're unsure about wealth, I've felt that tree derived materials like pine help. 
*herbs/stones/symbols of prosperity and success
*wealth oils of your choice
*small glass bottle
*candles in green, orange or yellow

Get some incense going and take a minute to think about what you want to attract.  You want to attain wealth and ease in work, business, jobs, whatever you do.  You want a steady stream of income using your skills and doing work you enjoy.  You want a happy, prosperous home and to provide for those around you.  This is not done to win the lottery.

Put together the bottle in the way you would like.  Set it on top of petitions, business cards or other papers you identify with ways prosperity flows to you.  Put all this on the dish, surround with the items you've collected.  I have mine on the dresser corner closest to my door so it's easy to see.

Easy Prosperity Oil Burner
A no brainer.  This combines candle work with scent.

Get a little oil burner.  Fill the top bowl like you'd normally do but add oils to compliment the work you're doing.  Carve and dress a tealight to put at the bottom to pair with the oil.

When I use a wealth oil up top, I carve runes and dress the candle with alkanet, cinnamon, etc.

Be sure to watch it- the oil will start popping and splatter when the water evaporates.  Herbs may catch fire- don't add much.

Clear Out Your Purse & Wallet
Besides being practical, you'll want to collect leftover
coins and cash if you keep these in a dish.

Throw out receipts you don't need, parking meter
tickets, wrappers, whatever.  I put the coins in a
ceramic angel gifted to me in high school.  Cash
goes in a pile on top of another dish.
Be thankful for this money and the things it
bought, even with all the receipts you get rid of.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Tarot: The Chariot

when representing someone or their inner workings, it can show wanting to make up for lost time; eager to get things underway

a car or other vehicle
a trip near or far
having to wrangle multiple parties, factions or ideas together

Friday, September 20, 2013

Weekend Coupon

Weekend20 saves you 20% on knit pieces now though Sunday.
Good on all knitwear, tarot and rune bags, altar cloths.

Anything else for your sacred space or wearing pleasure you'd like to see?  Leave a comment, email me or send a note on Facebook.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Lenormand Draw: Cross, Man, Moon

Thanks to constant Lenormand posts on FB and this guy, I pulled out my own deck again.

This little spread came up on Monday, which looked interesting at first but woefully turned out not as much.

We have the Cross, the Man and the Moon.
Together, I got the idea of a very important connection being made with an artistic man.  One involved in something creative, perhaps having some recognition.  He may, instead, have heard of me through my own work.

Monday turned up 2 possibilities:  a hottie in a magazine and a client cancellation.

A magazine made its way to my workplace and the man (with his wife) on the cover caught my eye.  The editors seemed to like showing off the couples' wedding rings like a big stop sign.

Cross: married
This card can seem like things are out of your control, and he is indeed out of my sphere of reality.
Way out.

Man:  obvious.
We see him as married already.

Moon:  fame, the arts, romantic
Lots of cuddly pics of the couple, both actors or making a living being in front of cameras.
The man does have blue eyes, and the Moon I would take to show colors of blue or silver.

That same evening, a male client cancelled an appointment due to an emergency.
Cross: burdens
In this case it was sudden for him and out of his control.  The Moon sets this at night, when I received the message.

There you go.
These cards do have a reputation for showing tangible, specific events and people around you.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune

complete change of luck or changes in general
you'll start to see progress in a given situation
winning a lottery (very rare!), contest, gaining a windfall or other nice surprise

Friday, June 28, 2013

Link Share: Old- Timey Radio Shows & Divination

What's caught my eye that you may like:

"The Piano Has Been Thinking"
A radio show-style Western- the song "Written in the Stars" is simple but so gorgeous!
Plus it's got John DiMaggio (the voice of Bender).

The Process by Umbrae.
List of threads of his narrative style thoughts on being a tarot reader

Etsy sellers tell you how they get things done in 30 minutes

Lenormand Resources, courtesy of the Lenormand study group on FB

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tarot Journal

This is a sampling of full readings collected from my journal and around the internet.  

Everything done for others is here without names or identifying info, though sometimes feedback is shared.  Everything else has as much detail as I can add, so you can see how the cards actually came into play in real life.

The Moon + 3 of Swords
It may be the deck itself, but there's a twinge of sorrow here and also a "wait and see" kind of feel.
The crescent moon and the lady's gaze drew me most- like the shifting of the moon relating to timing in your own life.  You're waiting for something to change or come to fruition.  The 3 shows some disappointment and weakness even- but that's current or just passing, not what will continue.

I pulled the Emperor to clarify- you'll be better off if you recognize what control you have and use logic.  Pining over some outcome makes for gloomy cards." 
With the Corto Maltese tarot

Judgement + 9 of Wands
Is X (person the querent asked about) in another country?  A couple extra cards drawn look like someone having fun and traveling- one shows Corto waving on a beach, one of him standing smiling in front of a flag.  They literally look like postcards. 

At first these seemed harsh, but now I believe Judgement is X's impressions of wherever they've been.  You seem to be dying for this news- but the cards look like someone enjoying themselves.


7 of Pentacles + Ace of Swords
Well, good job.  Are you coming around the time when results are in?
It seems you're doing pretty well with school work and will be rewarded.
 I believe the Ace is the ability for advancement.  If you're on track to go to grad school, professional studies, it looks good.  I got the feeling of "opening your mouth"- like this is something you need to take action to pursue.  It feels very powerful so you should be successful.

The first set of cards, with the 6 of Coins, seems like you made an investment or were very
generous with something you didn't see much return in.  It may have felt like a risk at the time (3 of Swords) but it didn't really go anywhere (Moon).
The Ace of Cups was pulled about what area this describes, so it could be a relationship you're involved in or already left.

It does seem you've moved on from that, as the Devil is followed by the 3 of Cups.  Hey, you seem to be enjoying yourself more and are looking forward to what's coming (Page).

The bottom set is very positive overall- you are seeing prosperity here, rebuilding what you gave already.  The King of Coins shows maturity, making a solid foundation for yourself- something to look forward to (Star!)

Also of interest...
